Please consider donating to the Veterans For Peace - Peace Scholarship Program!
Being a IRS 501(c)3 organization, your donation is 100% tax-deductible. To donate, use one of the following options...
Mail donations - Please send donations to the Chapter 93 Treasurer, Mike Muha, at the following address... Mike Muha, 3177 Trinkle Road, Chelsea MI 48118-9113. Checks should be made out to "Veterans For Peace Chapter 93." Also in the “memo” area of the check (lower left side) please write “Scholarship”
PayPal or credit card donations - Please click on the PayPal button below with the amount you want to donate. Note: Please click the box on PayPal that states "Share my mailing address with Veterans for Peace Chapter 93" so we can you a thank you (your address will not be shared with any other parties).